
{Client Contest} Maryland Photographer

------------------>>>>>>>> VOTE OVER THERE ------------------>>>>>>>>>

Welcome clients, friends of clients, friends of friends, co-workers of clients! We welcome you!
This is our first client contest here at Erin Leigh Photography! woo-hoo!

Vote for your friend or family members image. Ask EVERYONE you know to stop by and vote.. friends, family, co-workers, facebook friends, long-lost cousins.. whoever! The client who sends the most people to the site, will be rewarded with either an 11x14 gallery wrap canvas ($200 value) of ANY image from their session OR a $100 print/gift credit for themselves and $100 print/gift credit to give to a friend... good towards 1 paid session with Erin Leigh Photography in 2009!!!

Voting ends on January 11 and the winner will be announced on January 12!









Vote at the poll on the right! Thanks! I'll post the winner on January 12!


{ FINALLY } Maryland Photographer

I can finally post these photos! I was giving them to family for Christmas so, I couldn't share the surprise but, now that it has passed I must share.. here are some photos I took of the girls for the grandparents... enjoy!


{I miss you!} Columbia, Maryland Child Photographer

I had my last photo shoots in early december to get orders in before the holidays and, I miss sharing my sneak peeks! So, i thought i'd stop in and just say hello to everyone! Hope to share more in the early part of the new year. I wish you all a very Happy Holiday and a wonderful New Year! All my best to you and your families! See you in 2009!!!


{Some family photos} Columbia, MD Family Photographer

I spend so much time photographing other people and their family.. it was fun to photograph my own :)


{Hungry yet??} Columbia Maryland Photography

This is for you Kara!! haha. We had our annual cookie bake and, made dozens of cookies to share w/ friends and family! Here's a sneak peek of the goods ;) haha!

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